Still with old digits MNIST? Hello, Hindi Characters MNIST!

Tushar Tiwari
2 min readMay 11, 2023


We all might have used the classic MNIST dataset of containing 10 handwritten digits. Its often used as the introduction to image classification problem.

Let’s try a different dataset for same problem of image classification. This time using Hindi Characters MNIST. It contains 36 categories for characters in Hindi language.

Dataset source form Kaggle . Thanks to imbikramsaha .

Sample batch of data

Quickly build a Classifier using FASTAI

Images are stored in folder name which corresponds to the character name (category). We have a total of 10800 images in the dataset.

Each image is of size 32*32.

Lets define a helper fucntion which returns the parent folder name of a file which will be used in image dataloader:

def class_name(file):

Creating Image dataloader

dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_path_func(path, files, label_func =class_name ,

files: Get image files in path recursively. eg:


lable_func : function that receives a file name and outputs class label. Here we will use the class_name function defined above.

item_tfms: Transformation applied to each image before batching. Here we have just use the Resize(32) as transformation.

Build an vison_learner

We will be using pretained resnet34 model.And do a 1 epoch of fine tunning to check is everything is working as expected.

learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=[error_rate,accuracy], model_dir="/tmp/model/")

Then do training for 5 epochs to let model converge.

learn.fine_tune(5, 4e-3)

Results we got after training to a accuracy of 93.8% on validation set.

Above is the batch of predictions results.


Lets find out the places where the model failed to predict.

interp = Interpretation.from_learner(learn)
interp.plot_top_losses(9, figsize=(15,10))

Frankly these letters are not easy even for a native hindi speaker.


Dataset source form Kaggle.

If you wants to play around checkout my kaggle notebook.

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Tushar Tiwari

Finding insights from data | Fascinated by how Markets works.